
Letter from the founder -

When I first realized I wanted to be an entrepreneur, I found myself thrust into a world that consisted of hustle, pride, and the idea that we always had to be better than the founder next to us.

That mentality resulted in 80-hour workweeks, a constant need for growth, and the idea that I always need to have that 'founder façade' up.

This lifestyle, unfortunately, led to me having to sacrifice some of the relationships around me, just to make sure my business was my top priority...and then I found out I was going to be a dad.

In the startup community, there are so many resources on improving your CPA, raising money, hiring developers, optimizing your landing pages, and getting to product-market fit. But, I felt starved for another type of advice: how do I be the best dad in the world without sacrificing my business?

My hope is that the DadFounder community can be just that. Analytics and KPIs are essential, but they don't mean a thing if we can't learn how to maximize our time with our family. After all, isn't that why we became founders in the first place?

Let's build a community where it's okay to ask for help, a place where we can learn how to be better dads who own companies and not business owners who happen to have kids.

Tyler Turk